
Lynda Hennessy and Douglas Holmes visited the Kansas Recovery Conference in 2010 to see what was happening on the ground with The Strengths Model: A Recovery-Oriented Approach to Mental Health Services, Rapp and Goscha 2011. While there they were invited to visit Project Independence Inc. a Consumer Run Organisation (CRO) in Sedgwick County, Wichita, Kansas.

Lynda and Douglas were most impressed by the fact that the centre was run by consumers for consumers and that it had been in existence for over 20 years. They decided to collaborate to make Australia aware of CROs. With the support of Gary Parker, past CEO of The Kansas Consumer Advisory Council for Adult Mental Health, Inc., and others from the US CRO movement, they have been working on establishing the first CRO in New South Wales.

In 2016 Gary Parker led a two-day workshop to develop a strategic plan. Since then a small group has been meeting monthly to develop this Master Plan. Initially, the CRO was going to be called Project Independence . Unfortunately, that name was taken and the members decided on SUPER CRO.

SUPER CRO has been granted Charity Status. This link SUPER CRO _ Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission will take you to a PDF of the information