The Recovery Box is a small box (about the size of a slice of bread) that plugs into a TV monitor through a HDMI cable. It allows users to access a range of programs that will change how information about Recovery is made available to Consumers, Carers, Mental Health Professionals and the public
Recovery Box is a project that SUPER CRO www.supercro.com has been working
on since several consumers made the decision to work on turning the
unincorporated association into a charity registered with the Australian Charities and
Not for Profit Commission – see https://www.acnc.gov.au/for-charities/start-charity
SUPER CRO is an acronym for Service Users, Participating; Educating and
Researching to develop Consumer Run Organisations across Australia. It is a model
that we have researched in Kansas and Georgia and wish to bring this model to
The Recovery Box has moved from a concept to a working prototype. SUPER CRO
created Project Ideas Templates so that members of SUPER CRO could put forward
ideas for the Executive to see what support is needed to be provided by SUPER
CRO – see Appendix A: Recovery Box Project Ideas Templat